Qualcomm has unveiled that its next generation Snapdragon Ride Platforms built with an industry-leading 4-nanometer (4nm) SoCs and integrated Snapdragon Ride Vision stack to support safety critical systems through to comfort ADAS functions is now sampling to all major Tier-1 suppliers who are targeting for 2025 global production vehicles.
What makes the Snapdragon Ride Platforms special, in addition to providing safe, power-efficient and thermally optimized ADAS/AD solutions, is the fact that it allows customization as this modular, customizable and configurable ADAS/AD software, provide support for multimodal sensors, including cameras, radars, lidars, AD maps and ultrasonic sensors.
Some of the big names in the automotive industry are already on the list including Bosch, Continental, Innoviz, Hyundai Mobis, Luminar, and others.