It has announced the Gigabyte G1 Sniper A88X board that focuses on audio performance and gaming. Gigabyte has USB DAC UP, an exclusive feature optimised for users employing a Digital-to-Analog Converter and gain boost which proves high grain output for advanced headphones and speakers. Sniper A88X also promises a highest calibre on board audio powered by Nichicon Pro Audio caps, gold audio plated hardware and upgradable on board OP AMP.
Gain boost switch provides on board switches to select between 2.5x and 6x amplification modes depending on output device to get your sound even loader. The board fits two graphics cards with 8 GB/s PCI Express gen 3 has plenty of ports including a few USB 3.0 ports, DVI, VGA, Ethernet and a golden audio connectors.
The board supports Trinity, Richland as well as soon to come Kaveri APUs, which promises a long life and great future for this interesting board. We are not sure if the board overclocks well, but should be sufficiently good for casual gamers.