Llano FM1 socket and chip pixelized

Smaller than AM3+
Unlike Intel, AMD isn’t in the habit of introducing new sockets every two weeks and the new FM1 is the first truly new AMD socket in years. It appears to be somewhat smaller than the current AM3 socket, but we weren’t too keen on counting the actual number of pins.
If AMD doesn’t change its ways, and we are hoping that it won’t, the new FM1 socket will be with us for years, which might offer a rather tempting prospect – upgrading the CPU and GPU at little cost, in next to no time. Also, you'll be able to make fun of anyone who bought an Intel platform, with a two-week socket shelf life.
Although Llano was supposed to appear last year, several delays pushed it back to mid-2011 and we’re expecting to see it in action around Computex time.
You can check out the photos, as well as Llano CPU here.