Intel's high profile executive have told Fudzilla that
Nvidia can do whatever it wants with its Ion platform. Intel is sort of ok with
it and despite these bold comments, we still believe that Ion won’t be an easy
thing to pull of.
Some people believe that OEMs and ODMs might have the
chance to drive Ion, Nvidia’s Atom chipset based platform a bit easier, simply because
of the economy downturn, but we are not confident that this will affect Intel’s judgment.
Nvidia has to convince mayor players to make a notebook based
on Atom and its 9400 based chipset, and we believe that Apple might be the only
company with balls big enough to pull something like this off.
We will also keep our
eyes on many Taiwanese companies who never stop to amaze us, as according to Intel,
12 and especially 13.3-inch netbooks should not be possible, but Asus and MSI
beg to differ.