AMD has just launched the 780G chipset and it looks to be the fastest IGP ever to be launched. The new chipset supports Hybrid Graphics and can end up up to three times faster than Intel's G35.
It was fun to see that Phil Eisler, a Vice President of the Chipset Division, compared its baby against Intel, where you can clearly see that AMD 780G chipset wipes up the floor with Intel's G35 chipset. AMD has demonstrated Unreal Tournament 3 where Intel can score a measly 10 FPS, while AMD will be in the high twenties. Basically, with AMD you can play.
Eisler also said that this is AMD’s and world’s first 55nm chipset, and the chipset as we reported before has a Radeon 3450 generation card inside. All this is done in 205 million transistors.
The boards are launched today.
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AMD launches 780G
Cebit 08: Wipes the floor with Intel IGP