Published in Transportation

MSI's Trinergy shows up in retail

by on04 November 2009


Premium price for premium motherboard

MSI's Big Bang Trinergy motherboard has shown its face in retail. Of course, this isn't the Lucid Hydra equipped Big Bang that will be called Fuzion, but rather a P55 based motherboard paired up with NF200 chip in order to give it triple-SLI support.

The premium motherboards always have a premium price but we honestly didn't expect it to be this high, as it is currently over €100 more expensive compared to other P55 based motherboards. The price difference is even higher when compared to cheaper P55 based motherboards as these can be found well below €100 and MSI's Big Bang Trinergy is currently listed with a lowest price set at €288,96, while average price tag is around €300 and Alternate even lists it for €339.

We won't get into details about MSI's Trinergy as we already wrote about it here. Asus' P7P55D-E which has only 2 PCI-Express x16 slots, working at 1x16 or 2x8 mode can be found for as low as €243,60, and we must remind you that this one features two USB 3.0 ports and two SATA 6.0Gbps ports as well.

We must raise the question about price of the MSI Big Bang Fuzion which will include Lucid Hydra chip and we honestly hope that it doesn't end up much pricier than the Trinergy.

You can find the Trinergy listed here and the full P55 based motherboard lineup can be found here.

Also read

MSI's Big Bang Fuzion comes later

MSI shows its Trinergy Big Bang motherboard


Last modified on 04 November 2009
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