Intel has two chipsets based on what use to be called Ibex Peak chipset. One of the chips is made for Lynnfield, a cheaper quad-core Nehalem with a dual channel DDR3 memory controller is called P55 while the other one called X55 might come a bit later.
We are not sure which is which, but we are sure that
both will hit the market. Havendale, a dual-core Nehalem with IGP, is coming to retail in Q1 2010, while OEMs might get them in Q4 2009 and this one will
have its own chipset. We learned that both P55 and X55 will support both CPUs,
but this might not be the case for slow, low cost boards.
Intel also plans to re-launch P45s for many Core 2 Duo and
Core 2 Quads that will remain selling all the way until 2011.