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Nvidia is losing chipset share to AMD
AMD 7x0 chipset did well
Since its introduction in late Q1 2008, AMD has been doing really well with its chipset sales. We’ve heard that AMD’s chipset sales in this year’s grew more than two times and that many motherboard manufacturers want to get AMD chipsets.
Some of the boards can get as cheap as $60 or less, and it is not that hard to imagine that you can sell a lot of these affordable boards. The AMD 780G and now 790GX and 790FX chipset series are doing well, but at the same time AMD needs a bit better CPU to improve its motherboard sales.
Shanghai and Deneb are around the corner and they should start fixing the situation, and hopefully some Christmas systems will have new AMD 45nm quad-core processors.
Nvidia still has Intel-based market for itself where it only competes with big bad Intel, and AMD kind of doesn’t stand any chance in this market. Nvidia will stay a significant, and for the time being, dominant chipset player in AMD market; but we are sure that AMD will take some of that market away.