Gigabyte has officially launched Dynamic Energy Saver (DES) motherboards. The DES technology actually turns power phases off and on depending on the CPU workload, thus dramatically saving power, as the press release states, up to 70% of what would normally be wasted.
We wrote about this new Gigabyte technology on many occasions, the most recent one of which you can read here. At first, DES was targeted to be released with Intel's X48, but as it was delayed when Gigabyte decided to also go for the X38 and P35 chipsets. The motherboards that currently support DES are the following:
X48 Models
P35 Models
GA-EP35-DS4 / GA-P35-DS4 (rev. 2.1)
GA-EP35C-DS3R / GA-P35C-DS3R (rev. 2.1)
GA-EP35-DS3P / GA-P35-DS3P (rev. 2.1)
GA-EP35-DS3R / GA-P35-DS3R (rev. 2.1)
GA-EP35-DS3 / GA-P35-DS3 (rev. 2.1)
X38 Models
Just as the press release states, one small "click" for a man, one giant leap for the mankind. You can check out more on DES here.