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Asus 780i appears with retailers
The Striker II Formula
It looks as if the Nvidia 780i chipset has been fixed and is ready for launch, at least if we can trust the details on Geizhals. Several retailers are listing the Asus Striker II Formula board, and depending which retailer you look at, it will be available in anything from two to ten days' time.
The board has also started to appear with several online e-tailers in the U.K., but the availability seems to be around the second week in December.
Feature-wise, it doesn't look as if this board will differ much from the Striker Formula, apart from the addition of the N200 chipset, which adds PCIe 2.0 support for two of the x16 slots.
Price-wise, you're looking at around €248-265 or £178-194 for this board, which seems a little bit excessive for what really is recycled hardware. You can find it here.