Published in Transportation

Universal abit to make IX48 MAX

by on26 October 2007


Due out early next year

has been struggling to get its products to market on time, especially the Intel product range. For example they have had delays with the X38 series (IX38 Quad GT) and looking back in time, almost every major release has been delayed compared to the competition. Other big players in the motherboard industry seem to dominate all the chipset orders and get preferential first orders.

The good news is that Abit is still highly sought after by many avid fans, and today Fudzilla heard that the IX38-Max has been canceled, but an IX48-Max motherboard will take its place. This new product is due for release early next year and we will keep a look out for any interesting specs and other useful details as we get them.

We  also heard that the IX38 Quad GT will finally enter mass production next week, which means that products will be available in retail stores very soon. You heard it first here, and you can check out the specs here.
Last modified on 26 October 2007
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