MSI said that its upcoming Nvidia boards will work with the new Phenoms. MSI has three boards in its offer and the one based on Nforce 780a is branded as K9N2 Diamond and it means it will be top of the iceberg. MSI wants to sit on the AMD chair as well as it will have a high end board based as RD790 chipset branded as K9A2 Platinum.
The second board based at Nforce 750a will be branded K9N2 SLI Platinum and at the same time MSI will counter this board with K9A3 CF-F which is based on the RD780, a Crossfire capable chipset. We don't even have to say that K9N2 SLI Platinum is a SLI capable board but we just did.
The last board is called K9N2 Neo-F, it is based on the MCP78D chipset and we haven't seen an AMD board that can go against this one.
All five boards are Phenom ready at launch and they all support Socket AM2+.