Intel will be able to claim that it has launched G35 chipset in Q3 but realistically these boards will ship in quantities only in Q4.
MSI 7358 is still pre production sample but it shows you how the final board should look like. The G35M what might be the marketing name for this board will support all Core 2 Quad and Duo CPUs including the ones with FSB 1333 and 45 nanometre and the chipset can address up to 8GB DDR2 memory with 800 or 667 speeds.
When it comes to storage the board has 5+1 SATA interface and it has Gigabit LAN and 7.1 sound. The board has IGP 3500 integrated graphics core and PCIe 16X port, 1 PCIe 1X and two PCI ports.
It is nice that both Northbridge and
Southbridge are passively cooled. The most important thing for some might be that a single
IDE port is still there.