Gigabyte has a board powered by a VIA C7-D CPU clocked at 1.5GHz. It has the VIA CN896 chipset and the VT8237A south bridge. Gigabyte claims it's microATX, although to us it looks more like a DTX board.
But what makes this board really interesting is the fact that it has a x16 PCI Express slot, so you can put a decent graphics card in it. This might just be what a lot of HTPC fans have been waiting for.
It also has a PCI slot due to the larger form factor, something mini-ITX can't do. The board also feature two memory slots for DDR2 up to 667MHz, two IDE connectors and two SATA connectors.
Other features includes onboard Gigabit Ethernet and 7.1-channel sound.
Not a bad looking board either:
Published in
Gigabyte has VIA board with x16 PCI Express
Computex 07: Tiny board with loads of potential