Nvidia has a new chipset, the new integrated chipset codenamed MCP68. This is the AM2 chipset and it has a Geforce 7 generation graphics inside. It is set to debut at Cebit in some two weeks.
A lot of motherboard manufactures plans to announce the boards as a few of them already jumped to announce its DAAMIT based RS690 boards. The goal is to get as much as possible of an integrated Vista market as we are sure that both cards can handle Vista just fine. The big OEM's, Original Equipped Manufacturers are the number one target.
DAAMIT has four pixel pipelines and we are not sure about MCP68 pipeline count. If I had to guess the name I would say it will end up with Nforce 7100 name. This is Nvidia's first integrated chipset after the last years C51 and the cancellation of Intel based C60.
Expect to see the load of these boards at Cebit and DirectX 9 with Shader model 3.0 might actually be good for some games. Who ever expected that Far cry works well on Intel's G965 at the first place, but it did. You can check the details here.