UK could jail social media bosses
If they don't do enough to protect children
The UK’s Online Safety Bill could be amended to include jail terms for social media bosses who fail to meet the requirements of the law.

Musk is the biggest loser in history
Business "genius" lost $183 billion
Supreme Twit Elon [look at me] Musk is officially the biggest loser in the world regarding losing a personal fortune.

Musk tries to move long running trial to Texas
Thinks the people of San Francisco might hate him
Supreme Twit Elon [look at me] Musk has asked a federal judge in a long running case against him to move a trial from San Francisco to Texas because he thinks the local media has made people hate him.

Twitter will allow more political adverts
So stick around things could get worse
Supreme Twit Elon [look at me] Musk has taken time from his busy schedule of firing staff, avoiding the landlord, and saving money by making employees bring their own bog roll to work, by allowing political parties to flood the social notworking site with adverts.

Musk sued because he forgot to pay the rent
Musk insists workers bring their own bog roll to work to save cash
Self proclaimed financial genius and supreme Twit, Elon [look at me] Musk has been sued by his landlord for failing to pay the rent in his San Francisco office and bought in daft cost cutting measures including insisting that staff bring in their own bog roll.

Musk shrugs off mass outage
It works for me, it does not have to work for you scum
As Twitter crashed and burned in a global outage, its supreme Twit Elon [look at me] Musk played his lyre and told users everything was ok, because “it worked for him.”

2022 was a bad year to be a tech billionaire
Hear the sound of the world’s smallest violin
While the US claims its tech billionaires are saints because they have made so much money, it appears that 2022 saw their halos slip considerably.

Twitter users vote Musk off the platform
Musk’s “tell me you love me” promotion fails
Elon [look at me] Musk’s moves to gain user support for his plans to turn Twitter into a right-wing hate mill by asking users to tell him how wonderful he was backfired spectacularly.

Musk purges more accounts of those who disagree with him
Heading towards a collision with European regulators
Supreme Twit Elon [I is rich, look at me] Musk appears to be highly selective about those allowed “free speech” in his glorious new world.

Twitter’s Jiminy Cricket has been shut down
We don't need no conscience any more
Supreme Twit Elon [Look at me] Musk has shut down the council which acted as the company’s conscience on key issues like bullying, hate speech, suicide and what constituted child porn.