Blizzard explains what happened to Titan
Everything was a total failure
If you ever wondered why Blizzard cancelled Titan, the follow-up to World of Warcraft, the answer is pretty much why you might have expected – nothing worked at all.
Activision Blizzard buys Candy Crush’s King
Writes cheque for $5.9 Billion
Activision Blizzard is buying the maker of Candy Crush for a huge $5.9 billion.
Blizzard swings the Diablo 3 ban-hammer
Causes major shakeup on the leaderboards
In another exciting round of Blizzard swings the ban-hammer, this time the target is Diablo 3 and the fallout as caused a major shakeup of the leaderboards because cheaters have been booted.
WOW subscriptions are up again
All it takes is a good expansion pack
Blizzard announces Overwatch
New team-based multiplayer shooter
Does Blizzard have something new to show?
Two out gap in BlizzCon schedule may be a clue
Next-gen MMO canned by Blizzard
Failed to find the fun in it after 7 years
Blizzard confirms cross-platform save imports
360/PS3 saves can be imported to both X1 or PS4
Diablo 3 frame rate the same on both consoles
Resolution is 1080p on one and 900p on the other
Xbox One to get Diablo 3 after all
Ultimate Evil Edition confirmed for August