Samsung officially stops Note 7 production
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 12 October 2016 08:09

Samsung officially stops Note 7 production

For good

Samsung has made a final decision to halt the production and sales of the Galaxy Note 7. After some of the replaced devices burst in flames, Samsung management decided to make a very unpopular, but necessary decision to stop the sales and production of Galaxy Note 7. 

Samsung Note 7 recall recalled
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 11 October 2016 10:39

Samsung Note 7 recall recalled

Not-so magnificant seven going to cost billions

Samsung appears to have made a pig’s ear of its Galaxy Note 7 recall and is ordering its resellers to stop sales and exchanges of the device pending investigation into the latest incidents.

Appeals court overturns Samsung-Apple patent case
Published in News

That’s $120 million, thank you very much

The US court of appeals in Washington DC has re-instated a $120 million penalty against Samsung for patent infringement of Apple intellectual property.

Total Recall does not damage Samsung's bottom line
Published in News

Rest of the business doing brilliantly

Samsung expected to report a higher than expected third quarter profit, despite having to write off a fortune because of the global recall of its Galaxy Note 7.

iPhone 7 catches fire too
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 30 September 2016 12:49

iPhone 7 catches fire too

Don't expect a swift recall

It seems when the iPhone 7 catches fire no one pays any interest and no one calls for an immediate recall, or for them to banned on aircraft.

Note 7s back on sale on Saturday
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 29 September 2016 13:26

Note 7s back on sale on Saturday

October 1

Samsung will put its Galaxy Note 7 back on the market next week after pulling millions off them after discovering faulty batteries were causing some to melt.

Tame Apple Press fabricates another Samsung scare story
Published in Mobiles

Creating a fake China crisis

Samsung is not being allowed to get off the hook for its battery woes on the Samsung Note 7 and now it is pretty clear that the Tame Apple Press has resorted to “making stuff up.”

Some high-profile exploding Note 7 cases are bogus
Published in Mobiles

Nearly a third are are made up

Earlier this week we upset a lot of people by questioning how many of these so called exploding Samsung Note 7 cases were true. Samsung said that so far it has had 26 high profile cases which have proved to be false.

Is the Note 7 overheating a conspiracy?
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 20 September 2016 10:51

Is the Note 7 overheating a conspiracy?

Are all these "exploding" Note 7 cases real?

A recent case in China has suddenly made the case of the “exploding” Galaxy Note 7s look like a conspiracy.

Samsung 7 recall failing
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 15 September 2016 14:27

Samsung 7 recall failing

Users don’t want to let them go

Despite all the horror stories in the Tame Apple Press, and the fact the product is having a recall, Samsung Note 7 owners are not handing over their machines.