Apple desperate to get into Android
Published in News
Friday, 07 August 2015 12:13

Apple desperate to get into Android

Hiring Android staff

It seems that Android is doing something right and its rival Apple wants to copy it.

Monthly updates for Android
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 07 August 2015 11:19

Monthly updates for Android

Google and Samsung agree

Google and Samsung have decided to release monthly security fixes for Android phones in a bid to cut the number of hack attacks.

Android game console Ouya dead
Published in News
Tuesday, 28 July 2015 11:07

Android game console Ouya dead

This is an ex-Parrot

Following Razer's takeover of the company, the open-source console Ouya is officially dead. 

Apple takes 92 per cent of smartphone profits
Published in Mobiles

But only has 20 percent of sales

You might love your android phone as much as you want but the numbers seems to be working better for Apple. 

Android M remembers to fix memory management
Published in Mobiles

Thanks for the memories

Android M Developer Preview 2 appears to fix a problem which has bedevilled Android 5.0 Lollipop users – the memory management system.

Blackberry moves to Android
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 09 July 2015 12:33

Blackberry moves to Android

Finally gets an update

It is looking like the early rumours are correct and BlackBerry is moving to Android.

Windows 10 for mobile no great shakes
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 07 July 2015 13:57

Windows 10 for mobile no great shakes

Suppliers are still not enthused

While many Windows 10 to spark an interest in the PC and Notebook market, mobile makers, who should also see a knock on effect are not enthused.

BlackBerry will make Android machines
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 12 June 2015 13:12

BlackBerry will make Android machines

Bye-bye cult following

BlackBerry putting Android under the bonnet of some of its gear as it appears that its revamped line of devices failed to do so well.

Apple losing smartphone wars
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 26 May 2015 15:39

Apple losing smartphone wars

How quickly things change

Apple has spectacularly lost ground to its rival Samsung according to the latest figures.

NSA wanted to hijack the Android store
Published in News

Infect it with Malware

Spooks from all over the world had a cunning plan to crack open apps in the Android Store and infect them with spying malware and launch man in the middle attacks on users..