Buy while you drive with Audi Alexa
Electric car is absolutely Amazon
Auto manufacturer Audi said it will integrate Amazon's Alexa into its Audi e-tron, a completely electric motor car.

Trump lashes out at Google
News is a tricky business
Donald Trump has taken a swipe at giant search engine Google, accusing it of being the peddler of what he likes to describe as fake news.

What is artificial intelligence?
Opinion: Mike Magee digs beneath the surface
Every day, all over the world, numerous politicians gab on and on about artificial intelligence (AI). But what is AI?

Chip sales to fall in 2018
But that doesn't mean to say they won't grow
While sales of semiconductors won't be quite as buoyant as they were in 2017, the market will still grow by 15.7 percent.

ARM aims to put fear of god into Intel
Claims it's ahead of the curve with 7 and 5nm
CPU design firm ARM has shown off its roadmap for the next two years with the hope that it will inspire terror inside Intel and attract renewed interest from laptop vendors.

Facebook pulls plug on third party tools
Zuckerberg regrets – but…
From tomorrow Facebook will stop accepting third party tools sharing posts automatically to FB Profiles.

Chipzilla lost Krzanich but makes more cash
Things are getting better at Intel all the time
The second most important semiconductor company in the world, Intel (ticker: INTC), declared results for its second financial quarter and things apparently have never been better, even - or perhaps because - it lost a CEO during the quarter.

Qualcomm-NXP deal teeters on the edge
Wednesday is D-Day
Qualcomm's long term bid to buy Philips spin-off NXP has until Wednesday to be finalised – and the US-Chinese trade wars haven't made things as clear as mud can be.

Texas Instruments CEO disappears
CEO disease is catching
The CEO of Texas Instruments (TI) has resigned because he has violated the company's code of conduct rules.

Tesla defies Trump's Chinese stance
Cars for everyone
The tariffs imposed on US imports of cars caused prices of Tesla vehicles to rise by 20 percent over the weekend in China.