Published in AI

Gannett shuts down "AI generated" review site

by on28 August 2024

Five stars

Newspaper behemoth Gannett is pulling the plug on Reviewed, its product reviews site, effective 1 November.

The site, which supposedly offers recommendations for everything from shoes to home appliances, employs journalists to test and review items. However, it's been dogged by questions about whether humans produce its work.

Reviewed spokesperson Lark-Marie Anton told The Verge: "After careful consideration and evaluation of our Reviewed business, we have decided to close the operation. We sincerely thank our employees who have provided consumers with trusted product reviews."

The site has been under scrutiny, sometimes by its unionised employees. Last October, Reviewed staff publicly accused Gannett of publishing AI-generated product reviews.

The articles in question were written in a bizarre, stilted manner, and staff found that the supposed authors didn't seem to exist on LinkedIn or other platforms. Some even questioned whether they were real at all.

In response, Gannett claimed the articles were produced by a third-party marketing company called AdVon Commerce and that the original reviews lacked proper disclosure. But, of course, Gannett denied that AI was involved.

Last modified on 28 August 2024
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