When the fruity tax-dodging cargo cult released its new MacBook Pro it appears to have allowed its design team far too much power to make stupid decisions. Apple’s design team is mostly those who work in the consumer market so anything that looks super cool to spotty teens is considered the best thing possible. Your average spotty teen does not use the function or escape keys, so it made sense to get rid of them.
After all wasn't Apple targeting the back to school market with these computers?
Apparently not. The MacBook Pro was used by more professional types and especially developers who need those keys. Developers are also more likely to spot the fact that the specs of the new MacBook Pro are nearly identical to the 2010 model. Why pay more for a six-year-old computer?
And the money difference is huge. You can pick up a Windows or Linux computer which compares to the Macbook Pro for $1,000 to $1,500. The STARTING price for a MacBook Pro is $1799.
Apparently, developers are venting their spleen on Twitter complaining that Apple has short-changed its key market. It also has the backing of the Tame Apple Press
We can’t understand why a developer who is any good has been using an Apple in the first place. However Apple appears to have made the decision for them – which is pretty normal for Apple.