Digitimes said that several components including panel, batteries and solid state drive (SSD), reportedly are suffering from shortages, which could damage the sudden resurgence of notebooks.
Country to the belief in the Tame Apple Press that notebooks were dead the moment that Steve Jobs invented the tablet and bought about the mobile revolution, Notebooks have been making a comeback.
HP and Dell have already increased their notebook shipment forecasts for the second half of 2016 and first half of 2017 recently. Demand for notebooks has also been rising since the second quarter and is growing even stronger in the third quarter.
Apparently the rise is due to new processor technology from Intel and a final acceptance that Windows 10 was not the pile of dog doo that the Tame Apple Press claimed. What is more likely is that the notebook sales were slow for economic reasons and the fact that there was no compelling reason to upgrade from a notebook which was two or three years old.
Now companies are starting to refresh there is suddenly a shortage and vendors have been aggressively securing their component supply, hoping to sort everything out before lucrative holiday sales are damanged.
Panel shortages occurred first and most vendors can’t to secure a sufficient volume of supply even if they are willing to pay more. Most vendors have been scouting for new supply sources.
SSD demand has also been picking up as the component has become necessary for ultra-thin notebooks. Apple's releases of the ultra-thin MacBook Pro, has triggered more vendors to design similar products, and also has had some contribution to rising SSD demand.
Most lithium battery makers have turned their focus from the notebook market to the electric vehicle market so notebook vendors are also seeing trouble acquiring sufficient battery supply for their products, Digitimes said.