LG said the thinner and lighter touch LCD will appear on 14- and 15.6-inch laptops later in 2015. The new display uses LG's Advanced In-Cell Touch (AIT) technology.
This embeds the touch capability within the LCD itself which allows it to be thinner. Traditional touch displays require three layers that include the protective glass, a touch layer, and the LCD panel.
This means that the 15.6-inch LG AIT touch panel will be about 25 percent thinner and 35 percent lighter than typical laptop touch displays. The new displays will be available in "Full HD."
LG claims AIT panels also mean the user will see brighter and clearer images. In addition, touch capability will not diminish even if you get some water on the screen.
The first notebooks using AIT panels will appear before Christmas but they could mean that they are coming out with Windows 10 .
LG says "several global notebook PC brands" are already set to use the new panels and it is actively courting other companies interested in varying screen sizes.