Software giant Microsoft is celebrating winning the right to be the tablet of the Big Brother telly show,
Big Brother is a god awful reality television show in the UK which is well past its sell by date and is based on locking up a bunch of people you really want to punch under one roof and having telly audiences decide if they should stay there. The show is marred by the fact that contestants are not allowed weapons.
Channel 5 which airs the show has agreed on a product placement deal with Microsoft for Big Brother 2014: Power Trip. Microsoft Surface will be seen throughout the show as housemates will be making their nominations on Surface tablets. Also, the contestants will also complete its weekly shopping lists on the Microsoft’s flagship mobile devices as part this deal.
We are not sure who in Microsoft’s marketing department thought that it was a good idea that any technology company would LIKE to be associated with anything called Big Brother. This is particularly after it has been revealed that the NSA has been hacking your networks.