The bigger Intel Education Tablet is powered by a Z2560 processor and it features a 10-inch 1280x800 display. It has 16GB of storage, 6.5-hour battery life and a stylus, which seems like a good idea given its intended purpose.
There’s also a 7-inch version, based on a single-core Z2420 processor. It has a 1024x600 screen and 8GB of storage, which is hardly impressive even by last year’s standards.
Both tablets ship with loads of Intel Education software, WiFi, front and rear facing cameras and Android. For some reason the 10-incher runs Android 4.0, while the 7-inch version boasts Android 4.1.
Needless to say they are hardly competitive by today’s standards, but that’s beside the point. Intel is going after a small niche market and it might use the know-how in future products.
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