However, take this with a grain of salt. Digitimes used to have a much better hit-and-miss record, but lately it has often found itself on the “miss” side of things.
Due to the way iOS handles different resolution screens, or should we say doesn’t handle them, it would be surprising to see Apple going for any resolution other than 2048x1536, with 326 pixels per inch.
However, bear in mind that Apple tends to stick with the same resolution for at least two generations, i.e. iPad 3 and 4, iPad and iPad 2, and so on. Changing the screen after just one generation would be unusual for Apple, and it would probably irk quite a few iPad mini users.
Also, simply changing the panel won’t do the trick. If the next generation iPad mini really does go Retina, it would also have to feature a much beefier processor capable of coping with a couple of million new pixels. This also means it would need a bigger battery and finding room for it in an ultrathin 7.8-inch tablet could be an issue. And let's not forget the added cost of a new screen, processor and battery - it would play havoc with margins.
We are not saying it's impossible, but we wouldn't say it is very likely, either.
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