According to iAfrica, the official model number is ME-172V and the device features a dual-core VIA processor with Mali 400 graphics, 1GB of memory and a 1024x600 screen. Up to 8GB of storage is also expected, along with a microSD slot.
No headline grabbing specs to speak of, but that’s beside the point. The tablet is said to cost 2,000 ZAR in South Africa, which translates to $226, but it’s quite obvious that it will end up significantly cheaper, as the Nexus 7 starts at $199.
However, it is still unclear whether Asus will limit availability to emerging markets, or choose to sell the new 7-incher in western markets, with a cutthroat price tag. Although we tend to focus on high end devices, we believe there is still a market for dirt cheap tablets everywhere. If you don’t believe us, just give any preschool kid a tablet.
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