Select European markets are expected to get the Nexus 7 this week, starting today. German consumers can place their orders and receive the Nexus 7 within three to five business days, with €20 of Play Store credit. The prices are €199 and €249 for 8GB and 16GB units respectively. The Dutch are getting roughly the same deal, but the Nexus 7 won’t ship in Austria for the time being, due to some minor legal issues.
However, as we get to smaller markets, the situation turns dire. Many consumers will be forced to get their Nexus 7 in retail, with a hefty premium slapped on top, justified by high demand. Our price search engine reveals that retailers from Poland, through Germany, Holland and Austria didn’t get the MSRP memo, or just chose to ignore it.
Most retailers are asking upwards of €230 for the 8GB version and some shops go well over €250. The same goes for the 16 gig version, many retailers think they can charge €299 and get away with it. There are some exceptions though, Saturn Germany is listing the 16GB version for €249.
Also, you can’t order any official extras in Europe just yet, so if you were hoping to get a cover or a fast charger, you will have to wait a bit.