It also packs 1GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, microSD slot, micro HDMI and micro USB 2.0, which amounts to a lot of micro stuff. GPS is also on board, along with a 5-megapixel camera and a 1-megapixel front facing cam. Like the new iPad, the A700 also boasts a massive battery to cope with the hi-res screen, but despite the 9800mAh power pack, it still weighs in a 0.66kg, not bad at all. It measures 260x175x10.9mm, so it is not the thinnest thing around, which is hardly surprising given the chunky battery.
At €479 it does not sound too pricey, either. The cheapest quad-core Android tabs retail for about €400, but they all have 1280x800 screens. However, it could end up even cheaper, as Acer is already taking preorders for the A700 in the US for just $449. You can check out the listings here, or get in line for a US version here.