If you believe beancounters Piper Jaffray more than 22 per cent of US teens owns a tablet computer. According to the outfit's 21st bi-annual survey of 4,500 high school students one in five of them has a keyboardless netbook that they are not sure what to do with.
The survey found that teens are responsible for a large portion of tablet adoption, and that even more of them want one. The figures show that an impressive 22 per cent of teenagers already own a tablet, and another 20 per cent plan to purchase one in the next 6 months. We guess the first wave are spoilt brats whose parents waste huge chunks of cash on pointless objects and the second wave are those who think they can work on their parents until they give in.
It is fairly certain that they want iPads as this brand has 73 per cemt of tablet shipments in Q4 2010 were iPads. More than 17 per cent of teens own an iPhone, and 37 percent plan to purchase one in the next six months. That represents a 21 per cent gain in ownership, and a 12 per cent increase of purchasing intent.
Generally however it looks like we are doomed if we are dependant on these kids supporting us in our old age.