Llano, AMD's full muscle Fusion chip with two to four cores has been delayed to Q3 2011. Not long ago, most people were telling us that the chip should launch at some point in 2011, and we now know it should take place in Q3 2010.
Something went wrong with the first tape out and it will take some six to nine months to fix the chip and ramp up production. AMD internal sources claim that a lot of companies want to buy this chip and launch products based on it, while Nvidia is talking around that OEMs really don't like Fusion. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
Senior industry analysts claim that industry is excited due the graphics capabilities and reasonable TDP on these chips, but the main concern for Ontario is that by the time AMD starts shipping, Intel should follow in maximum two quarters with Ivy Bridge, its 22nm second generation monolithic core that has both CPU and GPU. AMD will at least have the new Ontario dual-core to hold the ground in early 2011.
AMD can always play the price advantage and get a lot of traction, as long as it can stick to its plans and start shipping these chips in Q3 2011.