Published in AI

Apple makes up to $483 per iPad unit

by on11 February 2010


Milking fanboys dry

to iSuppli researchers, Apple will turn a profit of up to $483 per unit on its high end iPad versions.

Researchers calculated iPad material and manufacturing costs range from $229 for the entry level model which sells at $499, to $346 for the priciest version, with 3G and 64GB of memory, which sells at an obscene $829 price tag. We all know the Cupertino-based sect likes huge margins, but this is nothing short of embarrassing.

iSuppli estimates the mid range 32GB 3G version will rake up the most profits for Apple. It costs $287 to build, but it sells for $729. Making $441 on $287 worth of merchandise is a result that would make most self-conscious Mexican drug lords drop their jaws in awe. It is a testimony to human greed, fueled by the complete absence of any form of common sense among the legions of Apple fanboys. We guess very few of them download calculator apps from the iStole or whatever its name is, or the apps just don't work right. (No, that would be Microsoft. sub.ed.)

What's worse, iSuppli points out that the main components, such as the processor, touchscreen, battery, chassis and a bunch of chips are the same in every single model, hence the margin increases with every single additional feature.

More here.
Last modified on 11 February 2010
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