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Has Warner defection triggered an out clause?
CES 2008: Rumors suggest that Paramount could be next to go Blu-ray
Well, it seems that the HD DVD vs. Blu-ray saga continues with new ideas…really, it is more like multiple source rumors that Paramount has an 'out 'clause that was triggered by Warner’s decision to go Blu-ray exclusive.
As you would naturally expect, no one is about to officially confirm this, but when you get this many sources that are telling you that it is going to happen, you start to believe what you are hearing. Toshiba is saying that privately retailers are expressing support for HD DVD, but I would have to suggest that is more of a move to prevent consumers from getting pissed off with their holiday HD DVD purchases and returning them to retailers.
Of course, it is possible that if this is true Paramount could ramp up for Blu-ray quite quickly, as some have suggested that they are already sitting on unreleased Blu-ray titles that were canceled. The official stance from Paramount is public support for HD DVD, but one has to wonder how long this is going to last, given all of the rumors that are circulating en masse.