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Handbag fight over Apple and open saucers breaks out
it nice or bad?
An open source advocate is taking on Apple fanbois over whether or not Jobs' Mob is the best thing since sliced bread for their community.
It all started when DJ Walker-Morgan said that the open source developer community should thank Apple for raising the competitive bar and in using some open source technology in its products. The logic is that Microsoft had lowered the bar so low that open source developers were "doing just enough" to beat Microsoft.
It wasn't until Steve Jobs took all of his open source based know how and technology and fused it into Apple, that the open source community had to really try its best in order to do one better than Apple, Walker-Morgan said. However Alan Shimel said that the argument is like police thanking the Mafia for making them work harder.
“Apple is a parasite of open source. They have used the technology, they are not making the resulting products open source and are contributing zero back to the community. Why is that any different with that and what the Mafia does? They both are just taking, not giving back and living off of the work of others,” Shimel said.