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Delay hits Max Payne 3

Release before year end in doubt
Take-Two is now confirming that Max Payne 3 will be delayed. Our sources tell us that it is quite possible that Max Payne 3 will not be released before the end of the year, although the company isn’t officially corroborating this. This marks the second delay for Max Payne 3.
Take-Two does not seem that worried about it, however, suggesting that the success of Red Dead Redemption shows the importance of giving the development team the time it needs to work on a title so that it can reach its potential. As for the other titles that the company is expected to deliver this year, Mafia II, L.A. Noire, and Civilization V are all still expected to ship this year.
Mafia II is still on track for an August 24th release, while L.A. Noire and Civilization V are expected to be released before October 31st, which is the end of Take-Two’s fiscal year. The delay of Max Payne 3 is not likely a bad thing, despite the fact that we wanted to see it released this year, as do many other fans of the game. If Take-Two needs more time to get it right, then by all means we prefer that they take the time to get it right.