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iPad ends up in Mantaray iTar

A guitar-style synthesizer
iPad is here to stay whether you like it or not, seems to be the message everyone’s giving lately. Now, one music-inclined user has decided to put the iPad into his Frankensteinish creation called the Mantaray iTar.
The creation is actually a board that holds an iPad and two Korg’s Kaoss Pads. It seems to hold up pretty nicely when it comes to techno, ambient and other electronic music, but we wouldn’t put our money on many serious musicians going for it.
Furthermore, while the creator seems to be keen on proving that it’s great for content creation, yet the iTar seems to be more of a glorified filter than an instrument for actual making of music. Yes, the video shows a guitar simulation which sounds pretty nice, but you can find real, quality guitars priced way less than Apple’s questionable “well-what-does-it-do” gadget. Naturally, fanboys probably won’t care as they’d regularly choose Jobs’ simulation over the real thing. (It's a pity Apple banned porn apps, they would stop procreating. sub.ed.)
The iTar can also be employed as a turntable and few other things (Let your imagination run rampant. Ours did. sub. ed.), but you can see for yourself here.