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Apple shafts Europe on iPad price
Jobs' Mob charges you more
It seems that Apple regards Europeans as even more stupid than Americans. When the outfit started flogging its overpriced keyboardless iPad in the US, people wondered how it could charge such a huge mark up for what amounted to about $160 worth of hardware.
While sales of the device across the pond showed that US consumers are willing to buy anything, it seems that Jobs' Mob wanted to push its luck when it started to flog the gear in Europe. A new study has shown that Britain and Europe are the world's costliest places to buy Apple Inc's new iPad computer. Prices are nearly a quarter higher than those in the US. According to CommSec the UK, Germany, France and Italy an iPad costs 20-25 per cent more than in the US.
It seems that Apple thought that either the euro was going to fall faster than many analysts predicted, or that Europeans were more daft than the Americans. What is alarming is that Apple has been proven right, with the iPad practically selling out in the UK.
Prices for the cheapest, WiFi-only version range from $499 in the United States to the equivalent of $620 in Britain for the entry-level 16 gigabyte model. Canada ($520), Japan ($536) and Australia ($533) rounded out the price basement countries. At the top end, an iPad 64gb model with WiFi and 3G connectivity cost $829 in the United States against $1,010 in Britain and $980 in Germany, France and Italy.