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Parents who buy kids Red Dead Redemption are bad parents

by on25 May 2010


Game developer warns that the game is for adults

One of the
developers behind the highly successful Red Dead Redemption has hit out at parents who buy the game for their kids.

Lazlow, one of the game's developers and the radio DJ featured in the GTA games said that parents who buy the game for their kids are “bad parents”. The game has been criticised by the usual bunch of nutters who believe it should be banned in case some kid gets their paws on it and is influenced by the violence to commit lots of violence. Most of the people who complain did not have computer games when they were kids, they were too busy shooting Germans. Previously they used to moan about television.

Lazlow however has come up with a good message. He said he did not design the game for kids.

“We design games for adults because we're adults. There's a lot of kids games out there that we're not interested in playing. Just like you enjoy watching movies and TV shows with adult themes and language and violence that's the kind of thing we seek to produce,” he told a press conference.

While it is fair enough, we doubt it will shut people up. Many, particularly in America thinks that computer games should be censored and kids of today should be reading the bible instead. (And we all know there's absolutely no violence in the bible. sub.ed.)
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