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Vodafone intros cheapest phone known to man

by on15 February 2010


Just $15

Vodafone has announced what it's calling the cheapest mobile phone on the planet.

Dubbed Vodafone 150, the no thrills handset will cost just $15 and it will initially be aimed at developing markets, such as India, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Qatar, South Africa and Tanzania. The company also added Turkey to the list, although we really don't think this nation has much to do with third world countries, as it has 65 million mobile subscribers in a population of 72 million.

In order to make the $15 a reality, the Vodafone 150 will feature the most basic technologies, allowing rudimentary connectivity. It has a monochrome screen, lacks any form of internet connectivity or other advanced features. However, there will be a somewhat more advanced version, dubbed Vodafone 250. It features a colour screen and FM radio at just $20.

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