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Microsoft adds performance features to Edge

by on30 May 2024

Unsure if anyone noticed

Software King of the World Microsoft has updated its Edge browser with some performance enhancements.

Writing in the company bog , a spokesvole has been detailing the upgrades to Edge implemented in the past few months. The browser's user interface (UI) is more responsive, and favourites expand or collapse more swiftly. Microsoft has also hinted at further updates in its blog post.

Feedback gathered through telemetry data has informed Microsoft's modifications to Edge. Data clearly showed that a browser must be responsive to be regarded as having a fast UI. As of Edge version 122, the browser's UI is 42 per cent faster on many systems. For those using a PC with less than 8GB of RAM or without an SSD, Edge's interface is now 76 per cent faster.

The favourites section in Edge has also seen speed improvements. Specifically, collapsing and expanding favourites are 40 per cent faster, starting with Edge 124.

The performance enhancements are attributed to a variety of improvements, but Microsoft highlights two primary factors:

The organisation of the UI code in Edge was not sufficiently modular. Teams working on different components shared common bundles even when it was not strictly necessary. This led to one part of the UI code decelerating another by sharing elements unnecessarily.

Microsoft said that much of our code utilised a framework dependent on JavaScript to render the UI. This is known as client-side rendering, which has been a prevalent trend among web developers over the past decade as it has made web developers more efficient and facilitated more dynamic UI experiences.

Microsoft's focus on these areas resulted in an internal initiative called WebUI 2.0. This project encompasses smaller code bundles, reducing the JavaScript required to run. Microsoft intends to make some components of this project open-source in the future.

Microsoft said that over the coming months, it will continue to deliver responsiveness enhancements to many more Edge features, including history, downloads, wallet, and more.

We hope they fix the flaw in Bing, which sends you to an error page during a search. It has been bothering us on two different computers and is driving us nuts.

bing screen

Last modified on 30 May 2024
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