The 30 per cent share on Steam in January 2023 is a milestone in Vole's history and appears to have come at the expense of Windows 10. Windows 10 is still the most popular OS among the gaming audience, but its market share lost 1.96 points in January 2023.
Windows 10 holds approximately 63.46 per cnet of Steam customers. Windows 11, on the other hand, gained 1.91 per cent points. This allowed the operating system to cross the 30 per cent% mark and reach its all-time high of 30.33%.
Despite being out of support since 2020 (no paid security updates since January 2023), Windows 7 still has 1.6 per cent of all Steam users. In January 2023, its 64-bit version lost 0.06 points. Overall, 96.02 per cent of all Steam customers use Windows (0.13). macOS is second with a terrible 2.61 per cent and Linux is third with 1.38 per cent.