Microsoft is very clear on its official website that almost all Qualcomm processors can run Windows 11. The long list includes Snapdragon 850, Snapdragon 7cx, Snapdragon 8c, Snapdragon 8cx, Snapdragon 8cx (Gen2), Microsoft SQ1, and SQ2. The only one missing is the first-ever, Snapdragon 835.
Windows Insider settings should be set to Dev Channel or Release Preview Channel, and Microsoft should let you install the latest iteration of Windows 11, except it doesn't. On Intel NUC powered by the 11th generation Core processor, the first machine I tried updating to Windows 11, everything worked like a charm. It was fast, seamless and the system works quite well for the early beta phase.
I am sure that installing ISO would work, but I don't feel like destroying all my data is the right path.
We will keep our eyes open, but so far, Windows 11 doesn't want to update on Snapdragon 8cx automatically. I reached out to the Windows Insider community and Qualcomm to see what is behind.
Update: Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.22000.65 has just became available.
The original title was Windows 11 won't update on Snapdragon 8CX