The new figures land in the company's bi-annual transparency report published to Amazon's website over the weekend. Amazon said it processed 27,664 government demands for user data in the last six months of 2020, up from 3,222 data demands in the first six months of the year, an increase of close to 800 percent.
Apparently Uncle Sam wanted shopping searches and data from Amazon’s Echo, Fire, and Ring devices.
US authorities historically made up the bulk of the overall data demands Amazon receives, but this latest report shows Germany with 42 percent of all requests, followed by Spain with 18 percent and Italy and the US with 11 percent share each.
But the report also removes the breakdown by legal process, and now only differentiates between the requests it gets for user's content and for non-content. Amazon said it handed over user content data in 52 cases. For its Amazon Web Services cloud business, which it reports separately, Amazon said it processed 523 data demands, with 75 percent of all requests made by US authorities, and Amazon turned over users' content in 15 cases.