The Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus has dethroned the Samsung 980 Pro performance. Samsung’s best can reach 7GB/s read, but only 5 GB/s writes. The Rocket 4 Plus uses Phison’s PS5018-E18 SSD PCIe 4.0 controller that is the fastest thing existing right now and is set to run PCIe 4.0 for its money.
Since Intel is finally joining the PCIe 4.0 market in Q1 2021, market demand will undoubtedly increase.
At the announcement, back in September, Sabrent mentioned 7000 MB/s read and 6600 MB/s write speeds, and while it sounded even great back then, Sabrent slightly updated its specifications and it managed to achieve more on the read and a bit less on the write speed.
The way to enjoy today Sabrent 2TB Rocket 4 Plus and Sabrent 1TB Rocket 4 Plus is to use an AMD based system.
The AMD’s X570 or B550 enabled boards matched with Ryzen 5000 series are ready to achieve these 7.1 GB/s write and more than 6.6 GB/s write with the Sabrent drive.
The drives might not be the cheapest, but one must realize that 2TB at $399 will buy you the fastest SSD available, and this price is just a fraction of the cost of a high-end graphics card from Nvidia or AMD. The high-end segment is never cheap. Games, creative workers, and performance enthusiasts are the target audience for these drives, and last time they sold out quickly, and they just came online for $199 for 1TB and $399 for 2TB.
The 500GB and 4TB should also be coming soon.