That conclusion comes from the Digital Forensic Research Lab's Eto Buziashvili who published a report detailing how Russia's state propaganda units are disseminating different versions of conspiracies alleging the coronavirus is a US creation.
Western intelligence sources quoted by media said posts blaming the US for attacking China with 2019-nCoV first began appearing on pro-Russia social media outlets such as VK (VKontakte) and The fake news has now spread to traditional Russian news media organisations such as Pravda and Izvestia and state propaganda platforms. State-controlled outlets are accusing the US of using bioweapons against China.
A Russian website called says the People's Liberation Army (PLA), China's armed forces, is claiming the coronavirus was artificially produced in US laboratories with the goal of destroying China from within.
"So far, their efforts have gained very little traction", Eto Buziashvili wrote on January 30, while adding that it still "serves as a reminder of Russia's long history of employing anti-US influence operations during public health crises".
But the progressive political magazine Mother Jones argues that pro-Kremlin websites "are just one example of the kinds of outlets trying to capitalise on coronavirus fears.
"Some YouTube creators have been doing their best to get views and hawk money-making products and services on the backs of coronavirus fears; high-profile right-wing conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones are doing the same. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have tried to step up their efforts to curb misinformation linked to the virus, but hoaxes and conspiracies continue to seep through."