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Microsoft issues 15 security updates

by on14 June 2007


Nine critical

Microsoft has repaired 15 security vulnerabilities in Windows and bundled products in a new bundle of updates.

Nine of the repaired vulnerabilities are rated 'critical' which is a definition that Microsoft uses when an attacker can exploit the flaw without any user interaction. Most of the flaws are in Internet Explorer which received six plugs, five of which will repair 'critical' vulnerabilities.

The remaining 'critical' flaws are spread over three other Windows components. Two affect the Mail application bundled with Windows Vista and could be exploited when a user opens a specially crafted message.

One affects the Secure Channel Windows component that implements the Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security internet standards in Windows XP.

The final 'critical' vulnerability is in an undisclosed component of the Win32 application programming interface.

The updates can be found on the Microsoft site.
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