According the the New York Post, Apple CEO Steve Jobs is considering a liver transplant following complications resulting from his pancreatic cancer treatment.
Fortunately, the matter doesn't seem to be too urgent, as doctors claim patients with Jobs' condition can live for 20 years or more from the time of the original cancer diagnosis. However, this estimate, made by Steven Brower, professor and chairman of
surgery at Mercer University School of Medicine, still comes from someone who doesn't know the actual details of Jobs' condition. You can find the report here.
On another note, Reuters is reporting Jobs' condition might be more serious, and citing several cancer experts who believe Jobs' pancreatic cancer may have reccured. Again, none of them have actually treaded Jobs, but claim many of his symptoms, such as weight loss and hormonal imbalance, could be explained by a reccurence, or severe side effects of his 2004 surgery. You can find the Reuters report here.
The question of Jobs' health was brought up numerous times over the past year, as the charismatic CEO appeared increasingly thin from month to month. On January 5th Jobs said he was suffering from a hormone imbalance, but on January 14th, he announced he would be taking a five-month medical leave because his condition was more complex than previously thought.
Apple declined to comment the reports.