Trump said it is “very dangerous” for social media companies like Twitter and Facebook to silence voices on their services.
Trump has made his Twitter account an integral and controversial part of his presidency, using it to promote his agenda, announce policy and attack critics.
However, he has been slamming social media claiming that unnamed companies were “totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices”.
Trump said: “Too many voices are being destroyed, some good & some bad.”
What appears to be behind the comments are moves by Apple, Alphabet, YouTube and Facebook to remove some content posted by Infowars, a website run by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Jones’ own Twitter account was suspended on 15 August.
“I won’t mention names but when they take certain people off of Twitter or Facebook and they’re making that decision, that is really a dangerous thing because that could be you tomorrow”, said Trump.
Trump is a big fan of Infowars and showed up to be interviewed by Alex Jones, in December 2015 while campaigning for the White House.
In removing Jones’ content, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook each pointed to specific user agreement violations. For example, Facebook removed several pages associated with Infowars after determining they violated policies concerning hate speech and bullying.
Since the take downs, right wing conservative groups have been taking to Facebook claiming that it is undermining the Free Speech rights. However, the decision is under their Facebook’s Free Press rights to reject any content it likes so it depends on which freedom you think is more important.