Responding to criticism about the placement of cheese on the hamburger, Google CEO Sundar Pichai sprung into action.
"Will drop everything else we are doing and address on Monday :) if folks can agree on the correct way to do this!" Pichai tweeted.
Author Thomas Baekdal pointed out the difference in cheese placement between Apple's and Google's cheeseburger emojis.
"I think we need to have a discussion about how Google's burger emoji is placing the cheese underneath the burger, which Apple puts on top", Baekdal tweeted.
The tweet ignited a debate about where the different ingredients of a cheeseburger belong. Among all the different cheeseburger emoji variants offered by various tech companies, Google's is the only version to place the cheese below the meat, according to images of cheeseburger emojis from Apple, Google, Samsung, Facebook and others, as seen on Emojipedia. It's generally accepted that cheeseburger cheese should be placed directly on the meat patty for optimal melting.
Some users also pointed out flaws in the cheeseburgers from other companies, like Apple's and Samsung's lettuce placement, as well as the amount of sesame seeds on Facebook's buns.
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Google boss drops everything to fix emoji
Perspective – Pichai has heard of it
While there are a lot of things that Google CEO Sundar Pichai needs to fix in the search engine outfit, apparently his most pressing concern is Google's version of the cheeseburger emoji.